Frizz Control: 7 Ways to Avoid Frizzy Hair

We get asked all the time, "How can I make my style last longer without frizz?"

Here are seven (7) ways to avoid frizzy hair...
  1. Make sure you don't have any split or damaged ends.
  2. Dry strands are more prone to frizz, incorporate a proper moisturizing routine from root to tip.
  3. If you're twisting/braiding your hair try to avoid borrowing pieces for each section as you twist/braid all the way down. This way when you unravel, your hair is still smooth.
  4. Seal in the moisture and pay special attention to your ends. Use an oil like our Herbal Infused Hair & Scalp Oil after your moisturizer if your hair frizzes easily.
  5. Avoid using drying shampoos that strip your hair of it's natural oils.
  6. Over-processing your hair with chemicals can lead to your cuticles staying raised instead of being smooth (also known as high porosity hair), another reason to focus on consistent moisture.
  7. Most importantly, stay hydrated inside and out!

Shop your natural curly hair products online today.


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